Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Mapped out

I have put up 2 map drawings so far, and it's an activity I use a lot as my 3 year old enjoys the role play when you add stickers or cut outs. We have a cheap scarpbook that I have drawn some maps in and when we go out to dinner I take it with some pens and stickers, its a great activity for quiet play, a lot of adults end up getting involved in the filling up of these worlds. The stories that are invented to go with these pictures are delightful. It doesen't seem to matter how rudementary the maps are so long as the idea is clear, infact the more freedom you leave them to embelish in there own style the better. Sometimes I pre-colour bits of the map and this often encourages him to do more colouring in, but black and white works fine too. The topics for these maps is endless, sometimes I'm inspired by the stickers I can find and sometimes Its more to do with the interest Flynn. Eli would like to join in these maps, but at one he is cheeky and try's to eat the stickers, but he does enjoy the town road type maps he pushes little cars over them. When were at home cut outs from magazines and catalouges or old wrapping paper works well and it extends the activity if he has the use the glue. I will post up some more photos as we do more of these, we love maps.

Some map ideas
road + town
dinosaur world
ocean for pirates
under the sea
the beach
magic forest
a food market or supermarket
the zoo
the circus
insects garden
train station
race track

I popped this onto the Playtime link up @ The imagination Tree, head on over and see what other play ideas people have offered up.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. My son would love this - I'll have to try it! Lorie @ Reading Confetti



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