Need to find (or beg my mum to make if cant find) another knitted fireman Sam type toy, Eli is overly attached to one of Flynn's night time buddy toys. Resulted in a crying fit from Eli tonight when he had to give said toy back to his brother at bedtime. Why oh why did they have to become so attached to a toy that is hand made by some nice old Nana type. I bought Fireman from a market stall from 'festival of the knob' (it takes place in Yorkeys Knob a suburb in cairns, great name. the post office there sells a tee shirt that reads yorkeys knob bigger than mobys dick, love it, love the name of the festival) Don't think i can wait for next festival, will try all local markets must find that Nana!!!!!
this is the pattern pic for said fireman toy jean greenhowe designs
still can't believe this is the toy they both desperatly want. I like that they love handmade things.
When oh when is that bulging cat going to have her kittens, am terrified that when she does go into labour its going to be middle of the night and i will be sleep deprive zombie... still at least i wont be the one delivering multiple babies. My heart goes out to you Griffin cat, good luck. How the hell am i going to keep 2 small children off those kittens? can i make a small kitty Alcatraz. not to self google cat labour so know what to expect.
why is my chest covered in gold glitter? again ...Eli, thanks bubba I am now little miss sparkle boobs.
crap i haven't attempted to do the dishes yet and it's 10 o'clock at night, do i do them? do i leave them? ughh?? keep writing
Need to sticky tape back together the cover of post man pat video, after children went on a ripping rampage. Must do this before i got to library, really hope i can stick it back together enough that i don't have to replace video or pay a fine as money extremely tight at the moment. February is the worst month of the year $$ wise heat wise too, bills wise also, bring on march and some more mula and some cooler days.
There is a green frog somewhere close to my house shouting hooray very loudly over and over again, ok its not exactly hooray its more of a croak noise but im interpreting it as hooray for rain.
Stop babbling and leave these poor people alone sassy! your being very boring and mumsish. So as you can see life is very normal here. love sassy