Monday Moments

1st day at kindy

Pirate Eli @ the postoffice

Sailing home from Fitzroy Island, bliss

We dressed up today and had a mini party at home :)

anyone for a cruise?

yay hes discovered books finally!!!!!

get out of that pot Zephee! and stop eating my fancy grass

did you know alpaca's could wink?

the young peacocks were a bit confused and displayed hopefully to the guinea fowl

christmas is approaching this is whats flowering in the tropics, very festive, makes up for lack of snow
linked on wordless wednesday
noni moments

how did my hubby get 2 extra arms?? very handy

Noni Moments

Sassy Moments

@ the park in atherton

hat stealer

what you looking at lady?

I hid this guy in my mint, flynn delighted to find him there. Must do a dino hunt in garden!

Cat dinner for a fussy eater

Who put that in the draw? Eli

Flynn covered amars glasses

Found in sandpit, so delicate

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