Dylan loves looking out of windows and at the sky he sees planes way before we do.
He used to go to home based day care one day a week when he was 18mths and Lisa made a bird feeder for him to watch because he loved looking out her front ranch slider talking about the birds. He even did a painting of a blackbird after this activity.
I was inspired to make one at home for us to watch too :D
Its quite simple all you need is;
pine cone,
some string,
butter knife, lard/peanut butter (something sticky basically)
plastic container big enough to roll pine cone in
and bird seed.
Make your bird feeder
- Use scissors to cut a long piece of string to hang the bird feeder.
- Take the string and tie a knot around the pine cone near the top (at the stalk end).
- Tie a knot in the other end of the string so you can hang your bird feeder.
- Use the butter knife to spread the peanut butter and or lard mixture inside the pine cone and around the edges.
- Roll covered pine cone in seed in container, ( I actually used a take away container with sides easier for the toddler to use and keep seeds slightly more contained!) and when done sprinkle birdseed over any gaps in it.

Pick a place in your backyard that's safe from predators - at least 3 m off the ground and at the end of a tree branch.
Hang your bird feeder and wait for the birds~ it took a day for them to find it..
Take your bird feeder down at night so rats or mice don't get to it. (I have to confess I didn't do this as I have cats that control this population)
During springtime you won't get many birds using the feeder as natural food sources will be readily available again.
It was a really succesful activity in our house the birds ate it all we did it a throughout winter and I used 'Wild bird seed' to encourage the native birds from the supermarket.
love noni
love noni

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